速報APP / 教育 / Java Examples

Java Examples





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




Java Examples(圖1)-速報App

Java Examples is a comprehensive Examples to one of the most popular programming languages in the world. And here's a bonus: Java Examples is FREE!

The lessons in Java Examples are fast, easy, and effective; the app is set up to be completed in less than three hours. No prior programming experience is needed.

To rock java programming you must develop your skill with example or programs. Java Examples App app helps you to refer a great collection java programs on the go and Helps you improve Logical thinking of various problems related to Programming. Java Examples Application give source code and output for various Java Programs or examples.

The app cover the following topics:

• Java Basic.

• Conditional Statements and Loops

• Arrays

• String and StringBuffer

• Classes and Objects

• Encapsulation, Polymorphism, and Inheritance

• Interfaces

• Exception Handling

• Package

• Lists

Java Examples(圖2)-速報App

• Threads

• Working with Files

• Applets

• AWT Examples

• Graphics

• Networking

• I/O Stream

#1 Application for java Programming.




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You cannot run or execute programs with this app. The output is already tested and displayed for your reference. Thank You for understanding.


Java Examples(圖3)-速報App

Features :

★ Chapter wise complete Core Java Tutorials

★ Programs with comments for better understanding (81 programs)

★ Output for each program

★ Categorized Questions and Answers

★ Online Quiz

★ Very simple User Interface

★ One click share (Tutorials and Programs)


This Java Examples app enables you to carry Java programming Tutorials in your android phone. It contains , many Important Questions.

This app has a very simple user interface and the contents can be easily understood by the users.

This will definitely help u for preparing for interviews, tests and in many more ways

Wherever and whenever you require any information about Java Programming, you are just a click away.....

All the best..

Java Examples(圖4)-速報App

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Java Examples(圖5)-速報App

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Java Examples(圖6)-速報App